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Preparation of fair value reports

Riqueza for Financial Consulting is characterized by the presence of a team of distinguished expertise in the field of preparation of fair value reports, using the methods adopted internationally for reporting .


About Fair Value

Fair Value Definition


The fair value of a company's shares is the value that makes balance between the company's historical financial position for at least the coming five years and the investor's objectives based on the expected revenue. It is calculated using several ways according to entity performing evaluation and the circumstances of each share. - The evaluation process is a relative assessing process that varies from one study to another; and is based on building estimated expectations by the study authors, taking into consideration objectivity, honesty and balance.


The objective of fair value studies


The primary objective of any valuation is to determine the present value of the net equity of the Company that may be required to assess the company by specialists in the event that an already registered company is presented in Stock Exchange. The purpose of this is to renew share premium to be added to the nominal value of the share. The valuation may be done for the purpose of merging one company to another; assigning a partner to its share in the company to other partners; or selling the entire company to new partners. The fair value assists the investor assessing risks in accordance with short, medium or long term objectives.



Address: 32 Darna Project, Ring Rd., Maadi, Katameya

Phone: 02-23103354 / 02- 23103356 -

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Email: info@riqueza-eg.com